Thursday, March 21, 2013

Life lately: photo class

So, I realized I haven't posted lately about my adventures in my digital photography class, which I am really enjoying! Sometimes our assignments are a little strange, but I'm learning so much more about how to use my camera and today, we made prints of our pictures for the first time. I've never made such big prints of my own photos before, and it was really cool to see something I had taken printed out in such a large format.

From an assignment called "Bird, Dog, Worm" where we had to take pictures from those three perspectives:

Worm's eye view
Worm's eye view
Bird's eye view

From our street photography assignment:

There was a Michael Jackson impersonator performing in Piazza del Popolo and this woman just decided to join in!

"Day in the Life" where I had to take a picture of everything I did and saw in a single day:

Finally, this week, we had to do portraits! This is one of my friend Tara in Villa Borghese:

This class has been such a nice break for me from my academics, and it's been really fun to get out into the city and explore. For my final project, I'm working on capturing the vivacity of the many fountains in Rome, and I have to have 20 images every week for that assignment. Here are a few I've done so far:

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