Monday, April 1, 2013

Buona Pasqua con il Papa Francesco!

Buona Pasqua/Happy Easter! Today I had the incredible experience of attending Easter mass at the Vatican with Pope Francis. We had applied for tickets a while ago, and mass wasn't until 10:15, but the gates opened at 8, so we left the apartment around 7:45 to get there with plenty of time, because we were told that the square fills up pretty quickly.

Because we got there so early and we had tickets, we were in a sectioned-off area of the square that they didn't completely cram with people, so we had plenty of space to spread out for the two hours we had before mass started.

I'm obviously not Catholic, but it was a really cool experience to be at the Vatican for Easter. Not to mention the fact that I'm now a huge fan of Papa Francesco, so it was cool to see him perform a mass.

Priest who came into the crowd to give communion to those who could receive it


Delivering the final Easter blessing

Yummy brunch we all made after mass!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulazioni papa francesco
    per essere stato eletto Papa. Che Dio ti benedica.
